STA has been designing and manufacturing grout pumps and mixing systems for over 40 years.
STA grout pumps can easily meet all the needsĀ where low, medium and high pressure grout injections are required for all applications.
STA has experience with supply of plants, pumps, grout handling and mixing within the following industries: Micropiles, Anchors, Permeation grouting, Compensation grouting, Fissure grouting, Drilling mud injection, and TAM grouting.
STA has an large range of combinations of equipment, from placement of the grout pumps to agitators, mixing units, and storage.
Open SKID frame containersĀ with up to 12 injection pumps and CONTAINER mounted, 10', 20' and 30 ' injection pump stations equipped with data recording systems able to manage different pumping lines.
STA also manufactures Data Logger systems for recording and managing mixing cycles and injections.